Graph Neural Networks for Cross-Camera Data Association

Elena Luna García, Juan C. SanMiguel, José M. Mártinez and Pablo Carballeira

Video Processing and Understanding Lab (VPU Lab), Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Official project site of Graph Neural Networks for Cross-Camera Data Association (under review in IEEE TCSVT journal).


Cross-camera image data association is essential for many multi-camera computer vision tasks, such as multi-camera pedestrian detection, multi-camera multi-target tracking, 3D pose estimation, etc.

This association task is typically stated as a bipartite graph matching problem and often solved by applying minimum-cost flow techniques, which may be computationally inefficient with large data. Furthermore, cameras are usually treated by pairs, obtaining local solutions, rather than finding a global solution at once. Other key issue is that of the affinity measurement: the widespread usage of non-learnable pre-defined distances, such as the Euclidean and Cosine ones.

This paper proposes an efficient approach for cross-cameras data-association focused on a global solution, instead of processing cameras by pairs. To avoid the usage of fixed distances, we leverage the connectivity of Graph Neural Networks, previously unused in this scope, using a Message Passing Network to jointly learn features and similarity. We validate the proposal for pedestrian multi-view association, showing results over the EPFL multi-camera pedestrian dataset. Our approach considerably outperforms the literature data association techniques, without requiring to be trained in the same scenario in which it is tested.

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Github link for the available code to reproduce the results of the paper. (Available upon acceptance)

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Link to the pre-print version of the paper.


If you find this work useful, please consider citing:

Luna, E., SanMiguel, J. C., Martínez, J. M., & Carballeira, P. (2022). Graph Neural Networks for Cross-Camera Data Association. arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06311.

	  title={Graph Neural Networks for Cross-Camera Data Association},
	  author={Luna, Elena and SanMiguel, Juan C and Mart{\'\i}nez, Jos{\'e} M and Carballeira, Pablo},
	  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2201.06311},

Acknowledgement: This study has been partially supported by the Spanish Government through its TEC2017-88169-R MobiNetVideo project.